Void TM_SSD1306_DrawPixel(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, SSD1306_COLOR_t color) This parameter can be a value of SSD1306_COLOR_t enumeration

* color: Color to be used for screen fill.

This parameter can be a value between 0 and SSD1306_HEIGHT - 1 This parameter can be a value between 0 and SSD1306_WIDTH - 1 Void TM_SSD1306_Fill(SSD1306_COLOR_t Color) * Color: Color to be used for screen fill. * TM_SSD1306_UpdateScreen() must be called after that in order to see updated LCD screen * Toggles pixels invertion inside internal RAM * This function must be called each time you do some changes to LCD, to update buffer from RAM to LCD * Updates buffer from internal RAM to LCD SSD1306_COLOR_BLACK = 0x00, /*! 0: LCD initialized OK and ready to use

Parallel interface is really not necessary here because of small amount of data to be transfered since each pixel is a bit in a bytes area. Driver itself allows also some other communications like 3-wire SPI or 4-wire SPI as well as 6080 parallel interface any maybe more. The heart of this OLED LCD is SSD1306 driver. Probably I should make it using I2C DMA transfer. But anyway, for having this LCD just to showing small updates and notifications for users in your project, I2C is still nice. To update full LCD, there are 1024 bytes of data to be transfered. I2C communication from my module isn’t really powerful because of slow I2C, even at 400kHz. These little, small and with nice contrast devices are really great.